Design Explorations
Bridging Proposed Solutions with Effective Interactions

In the "View by Time" section, we assess performance changes. The Donut Chart for ERA Files Distribution uses color coding—green indicating healthy conditions and red suggesting attention is required—to swiftly evaluate the health of ERAs across all clinics. We also utilize a Vertical Stacked Bar Chart for ERA Files Received, perfect for a 12-month view. This shows the amount and status of ERAs over time, transforming complex data for rapid comprehension and immediate action.

Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart, showcasing top ERAs received along with their status breakdown. It ensures easy readability of payer names and provides an overview of ERA statuses such as unassigned, confirmed, unconfirmed assignment, and closed. This helps identify problem payers for efficient issue resolution.

Vertical Stacked Bar Chart to display Top ERAs Received by Payer Over Time. The consistency of color coding for each payer across our system aids intuitive understanding, helping to identify payers with the highest ERAs and address performance issues.

Doughnut Chart simplifies the task of identifying unpaid claim values, spotlighting areas needing attention. It's designed to ease ERA tracking complexity and fast-track resolution of unpaid claims.

We've created specific charts for Top ERAs Received by Payers and Claims Amount Without ERAs Received by Payers. They help identify clinics with high ERAs volumes or significant claim amounts without matching ERAs, guiding effective attention. We've also added a List for Top ERAs Received by Payer, offering data in a straightforward, easy-to-digest format.

In this view, we display two distributions - 'ERA Files Distribution by Payer' and 'ERA Amount Distribution by Payer'. For example, 'Delta Dental of California - CA00' accounts for 60% of total ERA files received and 40% of claim value in total distribution. This straightforward data presentation aids in making strategic decisions.
Facing an unexpected twist, stakeholder and project manager feedback led us to pivot our focus exclusively to 'View by Payer'. Recognizing that all claims and ERAs trace back to the payer, addressing payer issues became our priority. This strategic transformation, from broad visibility to targeted problem-solving, demonstrates the importance of iterative feedback and adaptability.

In the final design, a bar-inside-a-bar chart was chosen to represent ERAs Received by Payer, juxtaposing Claims Submitted and ERAs Received. The juxtaposition of the bars could have helped frame the comparison between Claims Submitted and ERAs Received. Adding sorting capabilities, as it could help users focus on the beginning and end of the sorted list, where they are more likely to remember the information.

The color-coded payer list the colors could help the different payers stand out in the user's memory. It’s color code the top 20% mid Tier and Bottom 20%

In this dashboard, our Stack Bar logic diverges from other dashboards where values add up to a total. Here, the relationship is unique to avoid confusion, emphasizing each value's individual significance rather than their cumulative total.